3 1/2 stars , Equipment & Products

Sarna external analgesic lotion

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Ahh, summer. BBQs, sunshine, pool weather and…mosquitoes. From the fiery pits of H E double hockey sticks themselves ( my opinion lol) they seem to ruin almost every outdoor activity, leading you ITCHY! Sarna sent me a bottle of their itch relief external analgesic, made of camphor and menthol. Truthfully, it’s been sitting on my bathroom counter as (fortunately) I […]

3 Star

Just Pure Foods Tomato Chips

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My husband and I currently follow a rather strict diet – no seed oils, mostly carnivore, with fruits, some vegetables, and plenty of dairy/meat. A big issue with this diet is snacks- they are so hard to find as snacks that are out there are loaded with sugar or oils.  Just Pure Foods sent me some Tomato chips to try. […]

3 Star


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To be honest, I didn’t even know Sea Moss was edible prior to being offered to do a review!  Per the company, the human body is made up of 102 essential minerals and sea moss has 92 of them- Pretty cool! The Sea moss is sourced from Jamaica. Unfortunately, the pineapple one exploded (in my fridge, much to my dismay, but […]

4 1/2 stars

Neuroreserve Relevate Core Dietary Nutrients for Lifelong brain health

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“Will your brain-span last as long as your life span?” A quote from Neuroreserve, which certainly can prompt some anxiety to anyone who is worried about this. The people over at Neuroreserve report that “studies of the ‘oldest’ people with the healthiest brains show that people who follow diets like the Mediterranean and MIND maintain their cognitive ability and reduce […]

4 Star , Chips and crackers

Dirt Kitchen’s air dried veggie crisps

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So vegetable chips are typically a total scam. They appear healthy when in fact, they are not. They take perfectly healthy, nutrient rich vegetables and fry them in OIL!!! Tell me, whats the difference between a green bean soaked and fried In oil versus a potato (aka your classic potato chips)?  Nothing!! And here’s where this company comes in… Dirt […]

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