To be honest, I didn’t even know Sea Moss was edible prior to being offered to do a review! Per the company, the human body is made up of 102 essential minerals and sea moss has 92 of them- Pretty cool! The Sea moss is sourced from Jamaica. Unfortunately, the pineapple one exploded (in my fridge, much to my dismay, but […]
New Zealand Honey Co. Raw Manuka Honey
Honey is a staple in my diet, especially when I switched over to an animal based diet. Honey (and maple syrup) are my only added sugars I will eat (not including natural sugars in dairy or fruit). Manuka honey is a special honey, in that It comes from the honey bees that gather nectar from the Manuka tree. You may […]
Catalina Crunch Keto Friendly Fruity Cereal
Being a Type 1 Diabetic, I love a lower carbohydrate option. Generally, higher carbohydrate foods make my blood sugar spike and cereal is almost a guaranteed blood sugar spike. I was very excited when I saw this cereal on the shelves. I’ve been eyeing It for quite some time but the price tag had me avoiding It (10$ a bag). […]
Birch Benders Keto Syrup – Maple
As a Type 1 Diabetic, certain foods are hard to eat without a huge spike in my blood sugars. Any sweetener tends to fall under that rule, and maple syrup is no exception. For years I would use sugar free syrup sweetened with Sucralose or Aspartame, however recently I have decided to cut this from my diet and opt for […]
Kiara Sky Powder Dip review
So after the disastrous Nailboo experience with dip powder, I decided to not give up. I recently purchased Kiara Sky after seeing someone mention It on an instagram post. It claimed to be professional grade and definitely had a hefty price tag, ($109 for a kit and about $20-30 per color), so I said WELL this has to be somewhat […]
Mary’s Gone Crackers review
Who doesn’t love a good plate of cheese and crackers?The nice folks over at Marys Gone Crackers sent me some of their crackers to try. We were sent 4 different varieties. They are non-GMO and organic, and have some gluten free options! Chipotle – Real Thin (bottom left) Lightly sweet at first then a nice kick at the end. Nice […]
AYO Almond Yogurt
Do you love yogurt but can’t tolerate dairy? Or maybe you adapted a vegan diet, but do miss having a yogurt parfait in the morning. Here is where AYO Almond Yogurt comes in to play! Each yogurt is non dairy, vegan, gluten and soy free. There are added probiotics as well, similar to what you would get from dairy/milk yogurt. […]
Pure CBD Vapor- CBD product review
CBD- better known as cannabidiol – is known nowadays for being the non-THC component of Marijuana. In short – you can get the medical benefits of marijuana without the high. To read more about It, this is a recent article from Harvard. CBD is known for its anti-anxiety, anti-inflammation, and even I have seen some articles for its use in […]
Hope & Sesame Organic Sesame Milk
Dairy allergy? No problem. There are plenty of alternatives today, including soy and almond milk. But what if you have allergies to those too? Or you are a vegan and have tree nut allergies? In comes Sesame milk! Dairy, tree nut, soy and gluten free, as well as USDA organic and Kosher. Hope & Sesame has organic sesame milk which […]
Mozaics Organic Popped Veggie and Potato Chips
Always looking for more ways to incorporate veggies into my diet, I jumped at the opportunity to try Mozaics Organic chips, made with both potatoes and other fun veggies! I was sent the BBQ and Sea salt variety — which just happen to be my 2 favorite flavor of chips. I will admit, I am not a big snacker with […]